Tuesday, March 24, 2020


Down but not out

Locked down, certainly, but not locked out of enjoying life. Being one of the lucky ones, we have a
large garden and, when the weather is good (it’s been raining for a week here in the south of Spain)
there is always work to do.

We have a large, hyperactive dog who needs activities to keep her happy.
She has a jumping circuit and is learning to stay still with her paws resting on an object such as a
small box or a bowl. The next step is to teach her to sit without moving her paws from the object.

That’s next week’s challenge.

Online courses are a boon and I am continuing to consolidate my painting and composition skills in
Photoshop. I do paintings for friends and there are regular live webinars and challenges which are
fun. It also helps to feel part of a community of people who share the same passion.
It’s important to keep fit and my local gym sends out videos of exercise programmes and live
sessions on YouTube.

Keeping in touch with friends almost daily is a pleasant part of the day. I send regular messages by
Whatsapp or email and share humour and experiences, and I am grateful to receive reassuring news
from them.

What else? Reading, of course (I am reading Hilary Mantel’s ‘The mirror and the light’ at the
moment), listening to music, finding art online and, sometimes, just looking at the sky and thinking!
In any case, keep well and make the most of this precious time we have.

Janice - Alicante, Spain

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